Retrofit service


The decision for a retrofit, i.e. a partial or full modernisation, needs to be balanced against economic aspects on the one hand and planning risks on the other hand: “How long will a system have to be shut down and what are the consequences for Production, which bottlenecks can occur?” Based on our long-standing experience we know where the pitfalls are and based on our long-standing experience we can assure you that a well-planned retrofit process will reduce planning risks to a minimum giving to you the planning reliability you need. Provided the following steps are followed…

Phase 1

  • Analysis
  • Consulting
  • Finding a Solution
  • Customer requirements regarding the system after the retrofit
  • Recording the system's current Situation.
  • Analysis of the modernization options
  • Recording the technical details
  • System review:
    Mechanical, electrical parts, control, linkage with host / process optimization, and remaining system service life
  • Presentation of the retrofit concept
  • Comparison with the purchase of a completely new system
  • Cost/benefit analysis

Phase 2

  • Plannig
  • Preparation
  • Implementation
  • Detailed project planning
  • Defining the conversion scenario
  • Detailed planning of the time window during which the system shall be converted
  • Ensuring the shortest possible system downtime
  • Assembly and installation
  • Commissioning
  • Training the staff during "live operation

Phase 3

  • Spare Parts
  • Service
  • Help Desk
  • Ensuring spare parts supply
  • Lower maintenance costs
  • Extension of the maintenance cycle
  • Simplified troubleshooting
  • Troubleshooting / support through remote maintenance tools via modem / Internet link
  • Downtime minimization
  • Higher availability

With STOPA Retrofit, we offer the operators of older storage systems onsite analysis and an expertise on the current condition and risks, thus providing them with a decision-making basis for modernization and retrofitting measures. The focus is on control technology and the electrical drives. Dangerous bottlenecks caused by insufficient spare parts supply are addressed in advance.


Furthermore, the retrofitting of modern control and automatization technology can also significantly boost the productivity of your installation. And you can re-attain conformity with the latest machine and work safety regulations.

For many control and drive components, spare parts have been hard to come by after ten years or more. As a result, electrical motors have to be rewound or completely replaced. That inevitably means lengthy and expensive design modifications and downtimes.


Retrofitting electrical drives before it becomes urgent is an affordable alternative. Given the proper timely planning, your installation can be modernized with practically no idling times. Further, it is often possible to activate enormous productivity reserves through the use of up-to-date drive technology. And your installation can re-attain conformity with the latest work safety regulations.

In the context of a STOPA Retrofit, we perform an onsite tolerance analysis of all moving parts (e.g., chains, bearings, guides, hydraulic cylinders, etc.). On the basis of measurement and condition logs, we can help you re-attain your original condition or even significantly enhance the performance of your installation – e.g., through the optimized integration of the components into the production processes, including reliable, long-term spare parts supply.

STOPA Retrofit has two main objectives. On one hand, to guarantee the availability of the installation for the future. On the other hand, we also pursue the strategic goal of enhancing efficiency through modernization. Because processes and sequences often evolve over the course of time.


The economic benefit of modernization is obvious: In comparison with the purchase of new equipment, existent installations can be brought up to the latest technological standards by replacing obsolete parts and adding new, technologically advanced components.


As a rule, this yields a measurable ROI within a year. The same performance is achieved, with significantly lower costs in relation to the cost of the purchase of new equipment. Additionally, time-consuming peripheral effects can be avoided.