To be in the best Hands

STOPA is a leading manufacturer of automated storage systems for sheet material, long-span goods, and automated parking systems in Europe. The product line ranges from stand-alone applications to integrated automated modules. With 40 years of practical experience, including the installation of complex plants, and more than 2,000 systems installed worldwide, this independent company possesses unique know-how with regards to product quality and process security, process automatization, and software development.

  • Analysis of the initial situation: Demands, space, material flow
  • Potential analysis
  • Customer-oriented approaches for solutions
  • Benchmarking / Best-Practice recommendation
  • "Rightsizing" – to reflect future scenarios, too
  • Mechanical design
  • Electrical design
  • Software / Software Management System (SMS)
  • Automatization
  • One project manager
  • Close support, from assembly to final acceptance
  • Qualified operators
  • Safe, reliable operation of the system.
  • Instruction of the customer's maintenance personnel
  • Consulting for conversion and expansion
  • Maintenance
  • Hotline, support desk, remote maintenance
  • Up-to-date information on phased-out parts / recommendations for retrofitting

A tale about History


Five guidelines to connect us and keep us connected within the heart of the company

With these guidelines we want to give everybody a rulebook that is being used every minute of every work day. It takes into account every individual being a part of a bigger operation within the company, as well as the personal and professional development of these individuals.

"Together" primarily means "everybody working together" - from management all the way to the apprentices.

"Together" also means to pull into the direction supervisors and management show us and keep personal goals secondary, for the benefit of the greater good.

The management team worked together to establish these rules, they are available for download in the form of a guideline.

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We act as a competent partner for our external and internal customers.


We provide information openly and communicate respectfully with each other.


We behave in an examplary and trustful way and fulfill our concludes agreements.

Personal Responsibility

We expect and encourage responsible acting on the basis of agreed goals and defined competencies.


We carry out employee talks regularly to develope professional and personal skills of each individual.

Our Approach towards Quality

Right from the start we have committed ourselves through our company policy to place Quality at the focus of our customer relationships.
Our understanding of quality is certified in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001:20015 and put into practice on a daily basis by satisfying the expectations of our customers.

In addition to this, training junior employees has a high priority within our company. Because well-trained staff is the basis for a trustful partnership with our customers – irrespective of the social commitment to offer training activities.

Special importance has been assigned within the scope of our Quality Management to the protection of the environment. Here we do not only understand this as production methods in line with statutory regulations and the corresponding protection of our staff, but also the economic utilisation of resources and energy in a sustained manner.